Daily D – 2 Chronicles 29:36

by | Jul 19, 2021 | Daily D | 0 comments

Then Hezekiah and all the people rejoiced over how God had prepared the people, for it had come about suddenly.



Call on me in a day of trouble; 
I will rescue you, and you will honor me.

(Psalm 50:15)

And call for help when you’re in trouble—
I’ll help you, and you’ll honor me.

(The Message)

Sometimes we pray and pray and pray and nothing seems to happen in response. It is as if our prayers bounce off of heaven and back to earth. Now and then, our Father in heaven answers so quickly and so well that all we can do is praise him, thank him, and give him the tearful, joyful worship he is due. 

There is no formula for why things sometimes work out slowly, if at all, and why things sometimes work out suddenly. There is simply our Father’s instruction here. 

First, “Call on me in a day of trouble.” It is important to keep this first thing first. When trouble comes, escort it into the presence of God. There is nothing too big or too dramatic for him. Agree with God about the nature of the problem. Seek his wisdom. Ask for his intervention. 

Second, trust God to do what only he can do. Know that he hears you and will answer better than you ask. God will help you. He may help you in the same manner you expect. He may help you in some manner completely different from what you expect, but also perfectly applicable to the need of the moment. 

Third, honor God. This works in two ways. We honor God when we trust him to hear and answer our urgent prayers. We honor God when we give him thanks, praise, and worship when he answers our prayers. We honor God when we live attuned to his heart and aligned to his path. 

The Bible is full of sudden answers to simple prayers. Check out Nehemiah’s experiences. Hezekiah and Judah experienced God’s sudden answers. My bride and I added another to our list yesterday. 

Keep Psalm 50:15 handy. Trouble will keep coming back for as long as you live. The good news is that God’s love endures forever and he hears and answers our prayers.


I will call on God for help when I experience trouble.


Our Father, your sudden intervention takes away our breath, brings tears to our eyes, and stimulates songs of praise and thanksgiving. How wonderful you are! How amazing is your grace! I will worship you. Amen. 


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his people, the sheep of his pasture.
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his faithfulness, through all generations.