Daily D – Matthew 15:34

by | Aug 30, 2024 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Matthew 15:34  “How many loaves do you have?” Jesus asked them. “Seven,” they said, “and a few small fish.” (CSB)

Matthew 15:37  They all ate and were satisfied. They collected the leftover pieces — seven large baskets full. (CSB)

Matthew 16:8-10  Aware of this, Jesus said, “You of little faith, why are you discussing among yourselves that you do not have bread? Don’t you understand yet? Don’t you remember the five loaves for the five thousand and how many baskets you collected? Or the seven loaves for the four thousand and how many large baskets you collected?” (CSB)

For whatever you are facing, Jesus is more than enough.

Five thousand hungry men, along with women and children as well, Jesus took the five loaves they had and fed the whole company. There were twelve baskets of leftovers. (See Matthew 14:15-21.)

Four thousand hungry men, along with women and children as well, Jesus took the seven loaves they had and fed the whole company. There were seven baskets full of leftovers (15:37). 

In each case, they ended up with every belly full and more leftovers than they started with. 

For whatever we face, Jesus is more than enough. 

What do you need? What do you really, really need? What would make it possible for you to honor God and serve others in a manner beyond the resources you currently possess? Take that request to Jesus. 

Psalm 84:11 echoed in my thoughts on my daily walk a couple of days ago. The New Living Translation puts it this way:

For the Lord God is our sun and our shield. 
He gives us grace and glory. 
The Lord will withhold no good thing 
from those who do what is right.

The Message paraphrases this verse this way:

All sunshine and sovereign is GOD,
generous in gifts and glory.
He doesn’t scrimp with his traveling companions.
It’s smooth sailing all the way with GOD-of-the-Angel-Armies.

God is so generous we can rightly say he is extravagant. He lavishes his love and kindness on us, on all who will receive his goodness. 

Please understand, saying this is not the same thing as that preacher in the news who said it was “God’s favor” that led a dying man to give the preacher his Bentley. The Bentley pairs well with his private jet, you see. 

I do not need a Bentley or a private jet to honor God and serve others. Daily bread will make it possible to serve him and bless others. God knows what we need, really need, and when we really need it. “He doesn’t scrimp with his traveling companions.” The best way to have what you need when you need it is to keep company with God. 

Remember, God blessed Abraham so that he would, in turn, bless the whole world. Every good and perfect gift from God is intended to flow through us to others. Let us live Abrahamic lives. Sing the old song, “Make Me a Blessing.” It’s amazing how those who choose to honor God and bless others are provided with what they need to do so.

Jesus turns what looks like appetizers into leftovers. 

Our son interrupted my writing just now with a text message saying, “It’s the little things.” A pink Post-It note inside his daughter’s lunch box reads, “Have a great day! Love you, Dad.” These really are the big things.

Jesus is in charge of your lunch box. His note reminds you how he loves you, provides for you, and seeks your highest and best in all things.

Jesus is more than enough for whatever you need.

I will trust Jesus for whatever I need.

Our Father, your will done your way never lacks your supply. You are better to us than we would be to ourselves. Your generosity and kindness humble us. As you bless us with so much, make us a blessing to others. May your love flow through us to everyone we meet. May our lives enrich the lives of others as we generously share all you place in our hands. Amen.


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