Daily D – Matthew 17:1-9

by | Aug 31, 2024 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Matthew 17:1-9  After six days Jesus took Peter, James, and his brother John and led them up on a high mountain by themselves. He was transfigured in front of them, and his face shone like the sun; his clothes became as white as the light. Suddenly, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with him. Then Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it’s good for us to be here. If you want, I will set up three shelters here: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” While he was still speaking, suddenly a bright cloud covered them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased. Listen to him!” When the disciples heard this, they fell facedown and were terrified. Jesus came up, touched them, and said, “Get up; don’t be afraid.” When they looked up they saw no one except Jesus alone. As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus commanded them, “Don’t tell anyone about the vision until the Son of Man is raised from the dead.” (CSB)

Peter, James, and John saw Jesus for who he is. They saw him in the context of his mission. They were entirely transformed in their understanding as they experienced his transfiguration. We, too, can experience something of his nature and mission even from this distance. We can experience true transformation. 


See Jesus for who he is. He is God with Us (1:23). Fully God and fully man, Jesus is the one the Law and Prophets anticipated. He is the one from King David’s line who would become Prophet, Priest, and King. He lived a sinless life, offered himself as the ultimate sacrifice for our sin, rose from the dead, and ascended to heaven. His Spirit lives within us.

Hear and obey what he says. God’s voice said again what he said at Jesus’ baptism, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased. Listen to him!” The most important lesson we can learn, and the most important lesson we can teach, is how to hear and obey God. Listen for his voice as you read the Bible. Learn to recognize his nature and character, his will and his ways. Seek to know his direction in all things. Ask for wisdom, guidance, and strength all along the way through each and every day.

Live fearlessly and confidently. We are never out of his presence or separated from his care. Remember Psalm 23:1: “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.” He takes care of us. He provides where he guides. He pursues us with his faithful love. We are never beyond his reach.

Transformational living is possible. Jesus’ model prayer, in part, says, “Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” This is not merely a pretty prayer to pray each day; it is an invitation to live on mission with God in his restoration of our world. God’s will done God’s way in God’s timing yields God’s results, which are many times more wonderful than we can anticipate. Again, this is transformational praying and living. 

How now shall we live?

I will live a transformed life as I see Jesus for who he is, as I hear and obey, as I live confidently, and as I join him in what he is doing to beautify this world.

Our Father, transform my life. Renovate me. Restore me. Fill me with your Spirit. Direct my steps. Place your thoughts in my mind and your words in my mouth. Empower me to live an Abrahamic life that blesses your world. Amen. 


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