Daily D – 1 Chronicles 15:22

by | May 4, 2022 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

1 Chronicles 15:22  Kenaniah the head Levite was in charge of the singing; that was his responsibility because he was skillful at it.

What do you do better than ten thousand other people? 

This is not a moment for modesty and humility. This is a moment to honestly take inventory of your life. How has God fearfully and wonderfully put together your life to shine his beauty and wonder through you? (See Psalm 139:14; Jeremiah 1:5; Galatians 2:20; Ephesians 2:10.)

God created you for a purpose. He has a goal in mind for your life. He knows who he wants you to become. He knows how he wants to express his love to others through your life. (See Revelation 2:17.) 

How do you move from where you are to what God wants you to become? You make the conscious decision to go all-in with God. You step off the path you are on and step into the journey he has for you. 

I read a few years ago that Chris Botti plays the same trumpet he has played since high school. The music emanating from his brass and breath has grown ever more lovely over the years. The instrument has not changed, but the musician has. 

How much sweeter today do you sound to our world than when you were in high school?

How much sweeter tomorrow will you sound to our world than today because you allowed God to express himself through you?

Kenaniah was the head Levite in charge of singing. Why? “Because he was skilled at it.” What are your skills? How do you offer them to God? 

Dave Adamson (@aussiedave) is someone you should follow on Instagram. This morning he posted a short story about Johann Sebastian Bach. Before he composed any piece of music, he would pray aloud, “Jesus, help me show your glory.” When he finished praying, he would write, “JJ” on the top of the blank sheet of paper he was about to compose on. This is short for “Jesu Juva,” which is Latin for “Jesus, help.”

(Autocorrect keeps turning Juva into Java. Autocorrect apparently needs another cup of Joe to keep up this morning.)

Upon completing a piece he was pleased with, he would write, “S.D.G” at the bottom of the page. This stands for “Soli Deo Gloria,” which means, “to God alone be the glory.”

Aussiedave writes, “Imagine how much further you would go in your faith if you started every day, every project, every conversation, every interaction . . . by saying “Jesu Juva,” and then made sure to say, “to God alone be the glory” at the end of every day!”

What do you do better than ten thousand others? 

How will you bring glory to God with this ability today?

I will depend on God to empower me and to use me to display his goodness and glory.

Our Father, please help us today to live the kinds of lives honoring to you and beneficial to others. May we show your glory. May all we do bring praise to you. Amen. 


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