Daily D – 1 Chronicles 27:32-33

by | May 27, 2022 | Daily D | 0 comments

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1 Chronicles 27:32, 33  Jonathan, David’s uncle, was a counselor, a man of insight and a scribe. Jehiel son of Hakmoni took care of the king’s sons. Ahithophel was the king’s counselor. Hushai the Arkite was the king’s confidant.

There are three roles in these two verses we should give attention. “Jonathan, David’s uncle, was a counselor, a man of insight and a scribe.” “Ahithophel was the king’s counselor. Hushai the Arkite was the king’s confidant. 

The three roles are 

  • Counselor
  • Scribe
  • Confidant

A counselor asks good questions. He or she knows how to mine the experiences of the past to provide guidance for what comes next. He or she helps a person untie the knots of the past. He or she knows how to guide a person to consider not only what he or she wants to happen, but what will likely happen with each possible course of action. 

A scribe preserves in writing wise words, rulings, and points to ponder. 

A confidant provides accountability and encouragement. 

Who do you go to for wise counsel? 

Who do you go to for accumulated knowledge and wisdom?

Who can you tell your deepest thoughts without fear? Who helps you keep the promises you make to yourself and to others?

We need these people in our lives. We can experience these roles remotely through books and recordings of one kind or another. We also need to experience these roles up close and personal. 

Our best success, including our avoidance of unforced errors, is most often due to the knowledge, wisdom, and counsel of trusted friends. There are a dozen or so people who keep me focused. Most of my mistakes are made when I do not stop to seek their guidance. Most of what I do of value can be attributed to the insights of my family, coworkers, and friends. 

These two verses are some of King David’s best instruction through modeling. Build your network of counselors, scribes, and confidants. They will serve you well by making you better than you are on your own. Use all the brains you’ve got and all you can borrow.

I will listen to my wise family and friends.

Our Father, thank you for surrounding me with family members, coworkers, and friends who are smarter, better, and faster than me. Thank you for protecting me from the foolishness of going my own way and doing my own thing without wise counsel. Amen.


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