Daily D – Daniel 2:30

by | Nov 26, 2020 | Daily D | 0 comments

And it is not because I am wiser than anyone else that I know the secret of your dream, but because God wants you to understand what was in your heart. DANIEL 2:30 (NLT)


This is God’s show, not ours. There is a guy not far from here who has a television show where he does gospel-sounding things for fun and profit. I am pretty sure, no, I know Daniel would not approve.

When Daniel and his friends prayed, God answered with the dream and the interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. This interpretation saved the lives of the whole college faculty and many government advisors. Daniel never took credit for what God alone could know. The Dream Giver alone is the Dream Revealer and Interpreter.

Perhaps the next time someone asks what our dreams are for the future, we can respond, “Whatever the Dream Giver gives and whatever the Dream Interpreter says.” That sounds like a checkmate kind of answer. Even if we do not say it aloud, we can know it in our hearts.

My dreams through the years have tended to make me the hero. God’s dreams for me turn me into a hero maker. His dreams are about how he can strategically maximize my life in the service of building up others. His dreams for me are better than mine for myself.

What happened when Daniel told the truth? Look down the page to verse 47:

“The king said to Daniel, ‘Truly, your God is the greatest of gods, the Lord over kings, a revealer of mysteries, for you have been able to reveal this secret.’”

When Daniel refused to take the credit, the credit went where it belonged. God was honored. Eyes were opened. People were saved. The next two verses tell us how Daniel and Friends were elevated to some of the highest positions in the government under the king.

What lessons do we learn here?

* God is the Dream Giver.
* God is the Dream Interpreter.
* God’s truth saves lives.
* Humble obedience leads to more significant service.

We need more Daniels. We need to dream better dreams. We need to listen to God’s interpretations. We need to allow him to place us where we can do the most good.


I will dream God’s dreams for me.


Our Father, fill my mind with your dreams for me. I want whatever you want for me. Amen.


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