Daily D – Exodus 7:13

by | Feb 1, 2021 | Daily D | 0 comments

However, Pharaoh’s heart was hard, and he did not listen to them, as the LORD had said. EXODUS 7:13 (CSB)


There are those who say God cannot do certain things. Others believe he can do them, but will not. Still others believe that whether he can or cannot, will or will not, they simply do not care. 

Pharaoh demonstrates all three attitudes. He believed God could not do anything more than his magicians could do. If God did things his magicians could not do, he still would not believe. Ultimately, he came to the point of no return. No evidence, no reality could change his mind. How tragic. The tragedy was not merely personal, but national. 

People, even Christians, often speak and act as if God cannot and will not act in our time. Not even a world-wide pandemic could change their minds. They would rather trust their modern pharaohs and magicians, presidents and medical researchers. 

Let’s move from the broader world to us as individuals. To you, what are the boundaries you have created for God? What is it that he cannot do in your mind? What is it that he will not do? Have you come to the fatalistic determination that you believe things are the way they are and there is nothing you can do to change them?

Look at verse 7 in this chapter. “Moses was eighty years old and Aaron eighty-three when they spoke to Pharaoh.” Conventional wisdom says two octogenarians are incapable of making much difference in the world. Conventional wisdom says change arises from young rebels and trendsetters. Conventional wisdom says, “Pay no attention to those who are well past their prime.”

Cannot, will not, don’t care if they try, they are too old to give more than a moment’s attention.

What if our hearts were much less like Pharaoh’s and we trusted that God can, will, and that we want to participate in what he is doing regardless of our age or situation? What if we told God he is free to interrupt us and to redirect us at his good pleasure? What if we told him now our answer to his every direction is Yes even before he asks or commands? 

I will not be a fatalistic pharaoh. 


I will expect God to speak, to lead, and to empower my life so that people can see how good he is, and so that we all experience a little more heaven on earth. 


Our Father, you can do anything. You will act in our lives and in this world. My heart is open to whatever you plan. My answer is Yes to whatever you ask. Amen. 


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