Daily D – Genesis 21:19

by | Jan 18, 2021 | Daily D | 0 comments

Then God opened her eyes, and she saw a well. So she went and filled the waterskin and gave the boy a drink. GENESIS 21:19 (CSB)


So she named the LORD who spoke to her: “You are El-roi,” for she said, “In this place, have I actually seen the one who sees me?”
Genesis 16:13

Eye-opening is a phrase we use when something grabs our attention, holds it, and shows us something we had not seen before. New insight is gained. Understanding settles in. Clarity follows.

Hagar was an Egyptian slave. She was also the mother of Abraham’s son, Ishmael. Since Sarah was unable to conceive, she provided Father Abraham with someone who could. The plan worked. Then all of the emotional conflict you could foresee kicked in and Hagar was kicked out.

She ran away from the conflict. She had no family, no friends, no hopes of survival or success of any kind. She was alone in the world.

Then God showed up. Her baby was to be named Ishmael, meaning God Hears. God would take care of them. Hagar then called him, The God Who Sees Me.

Fast forward to the birth of Isaac some fourteen years later. Once again, Hagar is driven away. Things became so desperate that she gave up hope of survival. She separated herself from her son as he lay crying and dying. Then God showed up.

God Who Sees is also God Who Hears. He is also the God who gives sight for what is hidden. “Then God opened her eyes, and she saw a well,” (21:19). They drank. They survived. Ishmael became an archer, a bowman.

God sees. God hears. God provides. God guides. God equips.

He does so for saints and sinners, insiders and outsiders, first-born sons and outcast moms. Wherever you find yourself today, God sees. Whatever cry is in your heart, God hears. Whatever you need to survive your next steps, he will provide. Whatever lies beyond this present moment, he will give you what you need when you get there if not before.


I will trust God to see me, to hear me, to provide for me, to guide me, and to equip me.


Our Father, thank you that we are never out of your care. You see us where we are and where we can be by your grace and in your mercy. Lead us from where we are to where we need to be. Amen.


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