Daily D – Isaiah 1:18-20

by | Jul 9, 2021 | Daily D | 0 comments

“Come, let’s settle this,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are as scarlet, they will be as white as snow; though they are crimson red, they will be like wool. If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land. But if you refuse and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword.” For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.
ISAIAH 1:18-20 (CSB)



“Come. Sit down. Let’s argue this out.”
This is GOD’s Message:
“If your sins are blood-red,
they’ll be snow-white.
If they’re red like crimson,
they’ll be like wool.
If you’ll willingly obey,
you’ll feast like kings.
But if you’re willful and stubborn,
you’ll die like dogs.”
That’s right. GOD says so.

(The Message)

Here’s the deal: God is much more interested in healing, restoration, and renewal than punishment. He is more interested in blessing you than blaming you. He wants you to live in the sweetness of his goodness. Why choose unnecessary pain and problems instead?

One other thing: When God sends a warning and we do not adjust to what he says, bad things happen. Destruction is a byproduct of disobedience. 

God our Father wants peace and pleasantness with us. He wants us to know and experience his beauty and wonder. He does the heavy lifting to wash us clean and to keep us pure. 

Our Father in heaven leads with grace, mercy, and forgiveness. He serves as his own complaint department. Take your gripes to him. Tell him all about how you disagree with him. Feel free to hash it out. Argue with God all you want to. Know this: If you are an honest seeker, he will help you see things more clearly. He will show you his better way. He will bless your socks off. 

Life is about as good as we want it to be. The more closely we walk with God, the better things tend to turn out. 


I will take my complaints to God so that he can change my perspective into thanksgiving and praise. 


Our Father, if there is a problem between us, I am it. You never make mistakes. You never fail. You never withhold your goodness. Correct my thoughts, my attitudes, and my perspective as often as necessary. Wash me and keep me as white as snow. Amen.


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