Daily D – Isaiah 14:24

by | Jul 16, 2021 | Daily D | 0 comments

The LORD of Armies has sworn: As I have purposed, so it will be; as I have planned it, so it will happen.
ISAIAH 14:24 (CSB)



The LORD of Heaven’s Armies has sworn this oath:
“It will all happen as I have planned.
It will be as I have decided.

(New Living Translation)

GOD-of-the-Angel-Armies speaks:
“Exactly as I planned,
it will happen.
Following my blueprints,
it will take shape.

(The Message)

An article this morning describes China’s desire to rule the seas as it prepares to launch a new aircraft carrier. An article yesterday declared the United States Navy ill-prepared to fulfill its mission due to aging equipment and ongoing mandatory diversity training. Inflation is soaring. Serious crime is rising at alarming rates. Scan Twitter for a few minutes and you could experience no little measure of anxiety. 

Make sure to begin your day and to end it with reminders like Psalm 46:10 and this verse in Isaiah 14. There are a lot more where these came from. 

Our Father in heaven reminds us again and again that he is in charge here and that there are boundaries for even the worst kinds of human evil. Politicians love power and intrigue. News media love reporting BREAKING NEWS. Each newspaper and magazine creates its own kind of spin from their perspective. 

The Bible tells us again and again something like verse 27:

The LORD of Armies himself has planned it;
therefore, who can stand in its way?
It is his hand that is outstretched,
so who can turn it back?

God patiently works out his plans. He is never in a hurry. He is never early, never late. As Gandalf told Frodo, “A wizard is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to.”

What difference does this make? We can live confidently when CNN and Fox lose their minds. We can keep our cool when our government cannot seem to recall which are the Good Guys and which are the Bad Guys. We can remember that there have been rulers like China’s Xi before. Some of them have rather nice tombs. That means they are dead. 

Jesus had a tomb, too. He gave it back. It’s still empty and you can visit it sometime if you would like. 

I am much more interested in the One who conquered death than the one who threatens me with it. A million years after the most dangerous man in the world had died, I will still be saying Hello in heaven.


I will trust God rather than fear circumstances.


Our Father, you are in charge here. Presidents and Popes and Politburo members are not. Fierce little fire ants trying to ram things through congress do not get to determine a different future than you have planned. Media-hungry politicians play like they are really, really powerful. You alone rule and reign now and forever. You alone are good. Your love alone endures forever. I will stick with you now and forever. Amen. 


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