Daily D – Jeremiah 38:6

by | Aug 18, 2021 | Daily D | 0 comments

So they took Jeremiah and dropped him into the cistern of Malchiah the king’s son, which was in the guard’s courtyard, lowering Jeremiah with ropes. There was no water in the cistern, only mud, and Jeremiah sank in the mud.


Each of us has known our share of bad days. If we sat in a circle and told our bad day stories, doubtless someone would say something like, “Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, it got worse.”

Jeremiah could tell a story like that. He was placed in a cistern to die. There was no water, which was both a blessing and a curse. There was no bread. He was stuck in the mud and going nowhere until his life was over however long it took him to starve and waste away.

That was a bad day. 

Thankfully, an African named Ebed-melech saved him (see verses 7-13). 

When all was said and done, Jeremiah survived the siege. So did Ebed-melech. In 39:15-18, God has a message of salvation for Jeremiah’s friend. The bottom line is found in verse 18: 

Indeed, I will certainly deliver you so that you do not fall by the sword. Because you have trusted in me, you will retain your life like the spoils of war. This is the LORD’s declaration.

Two of the most vulnerable men in a city under siege walked away free. After their worst days to that point of their lives, came a day of relief and rescue. 

What would a James Bond movie be without him placed in a situation he could not possibly survive only to miraculously escape not only with his life, but with the bad guy dead or incapacitated, and the girl on his arm? 

Jeremiah lived that story with a couple of minor adjustments. If you asked him, he would tell you it was not as fun as it seems. He wrote a whole book filled with tears as his testimony of all he saw and experienced (see Lamentations). 

On your worst day, remember that God has promised a Day is coming when every wrong will be made right. A Day is coming when justice will ultimately and finally prevail. A Day is coming when those who belong to God will be saved, delivered, and healed. A Day is coming called The Day. It is endless in its brilliance. It is forever peaceful and pleasant. It never ends. 

Bad times come. Bad times come to pass. God’s Day of All Days will Come. It comes to stay.


I will remember that Day on all of my worst days.


Our Father, how generous you are with your love and forgiveness! Thank you for doing for us what we cannot do for ourselves. Your amazing grace is the metanarrative of the Our Father, because of a future that was settled long ago, we can live with endless hope even when we face a hopeless end. However dark the night may seem to me, the best is yet to be. On that day, we will sing the best song ever written to the most beautiful music ever played. Hallelujah and Amen.


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