Daily D – John 13:3

by | May 22, 2020 | Daily D | 0 comments

Jesus knew that the Father had given him authority over everything and that he had come from God and would return to God. JOHN 13:3 (NLT)


If you know where you have come from, if you know where you are going, then you know what to do next. 

So many yesterdays are now past. So many memories remain. Most are cherished. Some are grieved. All have led to this place in which we now stand. 

It has been quite a week. Early last week, our daughter-in-law and granddaughter flew to Texas and I flew to Washington, D. C. Then our son and I began our drive to Texas. We spent several really good days together. We shared meals and laughter.

Two days ago, our son and I began the drive to California. We arrived yesterday afternoon. We have seen the lush, green hills of the East Coast turn into the desert southwest and, at last, the West Coast. This morning I will board a Southwest Airlines flight home. 

Jesus knew where he came from. He knew where he was going. He knelt and served. 

What’s your story? Where have you come from? Where are you destined? What does that make possible? What is the best service you can provide before the end of your journey?

The most meaningful hours our planet has yet known were filled with Jesus serving his closest followers, his mother, and us. What he did then provides us now with the opportunity to know and experience God. 

In this opportune moment, how will you serve those who mean the most to you? How will you make it possible for them to understand what gives life meaning and purpose? 

If you know where you have come from, if you know where you are going, you can live with the singular clarity of which singers sing, dreamers dream, and Christ followers fulfill. 


I will serve.


Our Father, the basin and towel are my tools. I kneel and join you in your work. Amen.


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