Daily D – John 4:42

by | Sep 7, 2021 | Daily D | 0 comments

And they told the woman, “We no longer believe because of what you said, since we have heard for ourselves and know that this really is the Savior of the world.”
JOHN 4:42 (CSB)


There is a significant shift here from a firsthand testimonial to a firsthand faith. The woman at the well shared her transformational tale and others were able to examine the evidence for themselves. They moved from questioning observers to active investigators to full-fledged followers. 

As Seven Sons of Sceva would learn sometime later (Acts 19:13-17), secondhand faith is not worth much when push comes to shove. 

This makes you wonder, doesn’t it, how many people who call themselves Christians have a firsthand faith, and how many instead give assent to the faith of their fathers and mothers and grandparents and friends without a true commitment of their own.

Our Father in heaven will sort that out one day (See Matthew 25:31-46). The question of the moment is, “Do I know Jesus because of what someone else has said and experienced, or is my faith due to a firsthand encounter of my own?”

This is one of life’s ultimate questions. It is the question one dare not cross into eternity without having known and experienced the right answer. We considered the thought recently of whether we are fans of Jesus or followers. Is our faith a secondhand story or a firsthand reality?

A new season is upon us. This is a good time to make a lasting transition from interested observer to wholehearted follower of Jesus. What’s stopping you? What could be more important than the most important decision of your life? 

When you open your heart to Jesus, who also will give their lives to him? Many others may come to know and experience Jesus in firsthand encounters because of your firsthand testimonial.


I will know and experience Jesus and help others do the same.


Our Father, may others see the firsthand effects of knowing Jesus in my life. May they be drawn to you because of what they see. May they see more of Jesus and less of me. Amen. 


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