Daily D – Joshua 23:14

by | Mar 29, 2021 | Daily D | 0 comments

“I am going the way of the whole earth, and you know with all your heart and all your soul that none of the good promises the LORD your God made to you has failed. Everything was fulfilled for you; not one promise has failed.” 
JOSHUA 33:14 (CSB)


God kept his promises. God keeps his promises.

In Genesis 12 God made a covenant with Abraham. He renewed it in chapters 15 and 17. God made promises bigger than Abraham’s lifetime. He made promises for all time. The rest of Genesis and the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy record different aspects of God carrying out his promises. The big promise in front of the people was the Promised Land, the land they were at last settled in.

God had kept his promise. 

Looking back, Joshua and Israel could trace God’s unmistakable guidance through centuries, generations, failure and success, adventure and challenge. Looking forward during some of those experiences, different characters and groups had to wonder if God had gone missing. Through sin and rebellion time and again, it appeared as if God’s promises were being derailed. In spite of hard heads and hearts, God accomplished what he intended. 

God kept his promises.

Joshua 23 and 24 is a snapshot, a moment in time where everyone was called to acknowledge and to remember all that God had promised and accomplished. It was also a time to look forward to all he had promised that was yet to be. It was a time to know and to commit to memory that God has a plan, a purpose for the whole world and every individual and group. He would continue fulfilling his purpose. 

He who had not changed his purpose or his nature was actively at work with promises yet to fulfill. 

Joshua and Israel’s leaders rested there with the blessed assurance that what God started, God would bring to completion. How could they falter or fail when God was in charge? What did this make possible? Indeed, what could be impossible? Because of all that had gone on beforehand to this point, they had all the evidence and encouragement they needed to live into and up to God’s promises.

It will not take many chapters into the Book of Judges to see that God will have to keep many of his promises in spite of his people’s sinful self-determination. How could they fail so miserably with all the evidence they had near at hand of God’s goodness, grace, and power?

One of those promises God made and kept was that of Messiah. Jesus came, lived a sinless life full of love, mercy, grace, and healing. He died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sin. He rose from the dead declaring forever that God welcomes anyone and everyone who receives his gift of forgiveness and salvation. Jesus enlisted all who would believe in him to help others do the same before he ascended to heaven. 

Jesus also made promises about how this world ends and all things are made new and right. He promised and provided power from on high to accomplish all he asked. How could we fail?

God kept his promises. God is keeping his promises. We can live in such a manner that we align ourselves with those promises and join him in turning them into reality. We can live for a purpose bigger than our lives, broader than the scope of time itself. We can be part of God’s promise fulfillment. 

Look at all God has done throughout history. He is the same God today with the same purpose. He will bring his purpose to fulfillment. How could we not join him? How could we fear failure? How could we not live with endless hope? 

God’s promises will be fulfilled. Join him in joyful rehearsal of all that will be!


I will live in alignment with God’s purposes.


Our Father, you finish what you start. You fulfill every promise. How could we fail when we align ourselves with you and your purpose? Direct our steps today according to your purpose. Empower us for the parts we play as we join you in the restoration of all things. Deliver us from the temptations of easier paths to lesser lives. Amen. 


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