Daily D – Luke 1:38

by | Dec 21, 2021 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Luke 1:38  “See, I am the Lord’s servant,” said Mary. “May it happen to me as you have said.” Then the angel left her. (CSB)

Luke 1 is a story of comparison and contrast. Compare the responses of Zechariah and Mary. 
* Both received visits from the angel Gabriel. (See verses 19 and 26.)
* Both expressed shock. (See verses 12 and 29.)
* Both had roles to play in the coming of the Messiah. (See verses 13-17 and 30-33.)
* Both had questions about what they were hearing. (See verses 18 and 34.)

So far, their two experiences are parallel. 

Contrast, however, what happened next in each conversation with Gabriel. Hopes long lost led to an initial response of doubt for Zechariah. This left him speechless. (See verses 19 and 20.)

Dreams not yet formed left Mary willing and obedient. (See verse 38.) A few verses later (verses 46-55), Mary gave one of the most well-known speeches in the Bible. 

It is interesting that most of the speaking roles in this chapter are given to women. The one trained minister in the chapter is sealed in silence for nine long months. 

Consider what Gabriel said to Mary concerning how she had found favor with God. We see it in her response in verse 38. She was willing and obedient. Whatever God wanted is what she wanted, too. 

Mary and Joseph were a matched set. We see the same pattern in each of their lives. They heard God clearly. They obeyed God immediately. As noted when looking at Joseph, this is the secret to success. This is the entry into the good life. 

No other decision, no other mindset, no other mission or vision compares with knowing what God says and doing what he desires. His desires are better than ours. They are more joyful, beautiful, wonderful, delightful, meaningful, and enduring. 

Two strong, silent men and two beautiful, eloquent women played the leading roles in God’s communication of his Message that he loved the world so much that “he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life,” (John 3:16). 

Read the Bible to know God’s will and ways. 
Seek God daily through prayer and praise. 
Whatever you hear, immediately obey. 
This is the life Jesus calls The Way.

I will attune my heart to hear and obey God.

Our Father, give me ears to hear what you say. Give me a willing and obedient heart to immediately respond. Whatever you want, that is what I want, too. Amen. 


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