Daily D – Luke 23:55-56

by | Apr 3, 2021 | Daily D | 0 comments

The women who had come with him from Galilee followed along and observed the tomb and how his body was placed. Then they returned and prepared spices and perfumes. And they rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment.
LUKE 23:55-56 (CSB)



Jesus was put to bed, laid to rest. 

The tomb was sealed. 

Death ruled those confines with darkness and silence. 

There is no hope in the grave. Death’s grip is strong. Is anything stronger? 

Breathless, lightless moldering began. Rot and decomposition ensued. Time promised nothing but memory, sadness, ultimate loss. 

The Light of the World was extinguished. Some fires are never rekindled. 


Once upon a time, on a silent night, a holy night, a baby was born. 

Once upon a time, a toddler escaped a raving madman.

Once upon a time, a lost boy about to become a man was found after three days.

Once upon a time, a synagogue congregation decided to throw a man off a cliff to his death. 

Once upon a time, that perfect man of grace and truth was nailed to a cross, pierced with a spear, and laid in a borrowed tomb. 

Let’s see him escape this time. 

Yes, let’s. 

Fade to black.


I will await morning. 


Our Father, Silent Saturday is the longest day of the year. Thank you that it is followed by the endless day of eternity. Amen.


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