Daily D – Philippians 2:14-15

by | Sep 30, 2020 | Daily D | 0 comments

Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people. PHILIPPIANS 2:14-15 (NLT)


The moon arose last night in all its autumnal brilliance as I drove home from a long day of training via Zoom. Even as the sun set in the west, the moon’s reflection of the light bearer illumined the sapphire skies. Wispy clouds glowed from the double exposure of rays above and below. How beautiful. How serene.

Below, cars rushed from point to point, people sought personal advantage, and politicians and their enablers argued while tossing verbal bombs. I prefer azure evenings and soothing sunsets. 

The two verses preceding these two in Philippians 2 talk about our salvation as something God works into us that we in turn work out. He transforms our hearts and minds and we reform our ways. Those things that hurt us and others lose their appeal as we desire more and more those that build up us and those we serve. 

Transformation changes our outlook. We prefer beauty to banality. We invest our lives in those good things that stand the tests of time. We step away from those that demean, belittle, and separate people into warring camps over money, sex, and power. 

Transformed apprentices of Jesus do not complain much. They argue much less. They are engaged in much less conflict. Their lives shine in delightful contrast to those who are always seeking an advantage or pressing a point. 

As the moon reflects the sun on a crisp autumn evening, may we reflect our savior to a debate-driven crowd. May we light a better way forward for a nation and a world reeling from conflict and pandemic. There is a better way. There can be a new day. Shine God’s light; show the way.


I will shine like a bright light as I reflect the beauty of our Father’s Son.


Our Father, work your salvation into us. Empower us to work it out in beautiful contrast to the gathering darkness. Use us to illumine this world with your brilliance. May we demonstrate the positive alternative to the vitriol of our age. Amen. 


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