Daily D – Proverbs 27:19

by | Jun 18, 2022 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Proverbs 27:19
As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart. (NIV)

Just as water mirrors your face, so your face mirrors your heart. (MSG)

The relative loveliness of a face is gauged how? 

A woman in her eighth decade of life has an altogether lovely face. When you see her, you see peace. You see purpose. You see compassion. More than anything, you see Jesus. 

A friend who is pushing his way toward seventy has a softness making him winsome and pleasant to all he meets. He smiles first. Even when tightly focused on a significant problem, the corners of his mouth turn upward. 

A young woman of my acquaintance through social media is on her way to her thirties. It’s not her youthful manner, the tone of her skin, her hair without any tinge of gray that makes her so pleasant to behold. Instead, it is her gentle manner as she faithfully declares truth with such winsomeness you cannot imagine anyone disagreeing with her. 

Who does this verse bring to mind for you? 

My beloved computer has crashed once this morning. It is now sending signals it may well do so again. Therefore, to keep my countenance from becoming unnecessarily stern, I will wrap up this reflection.

I will work on the condition of my heart so that the condition of my face reflects the goodness of God’s grace and kindness.

Our Father, give me the kind of heart that makes my face ever more pleasant to behold as I reflect more and more of you. Amen. 


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