Daily D – Psalm 65:8

by | May 12, 2022 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Psalm 65:8  The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, you call forth songs of joy.

We tend to see what we are looking for, or so the saying goes. What would be different, in a good sort of way, if we saw God in all his majesty and glory all around us? What if we lived in the conscious awareness of his presence? 

Our dogs and I took an early morning walk a couple of days ago and plan to do so again today. The deepening greens of spring wrapped around us. The still waters of the stream we cross reflected the rising sun and the waving reeds. The squirrels ran their errands. The cardinals sang their original songs while the mockingbirds echoed those same tunes and complemented them with the several songs of other singers. It was a concert for the ages. 

Sunlight lingered longer that evening. Although the shining orb passed beyond the horizon, its rays continued their illumination for long moments of brilliance and beauty. The colors of the day softened in the evening glow. The last songs sung by nesting birds welcomed the oncoming evening and prepared hearts and minds for restorative rest. 

What songs of praise come to mind when you read this verse? What stanzas work peace into your soul? What words of exaltation declare your heart’s content? What song says what only a song can say?

There’s the light of morning now. It’s time to sing a God song again. Through the dawning day and into the evening fade, may his praise ever be on our lips.

I will sing my response to God’s presence and activity.

Our Father, what a wonderful world you have created. Your glory is forever on display. Give us eyes to see you. Give us ears to hear you. Give us joyful songs to sing from our hearts as we get lost in wonder, awe, and praise. Amen. 


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