Daily D – Psalm 114:7

by | Sep 21, 2021 | Daily D | 0 comments

Tremble, earth, at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob, who turned the rock into a pool, the flint into a spring.
PSALM 114:7 (CSB)


If you have ever wondered if you can use a coffee pod more than once, wonder no more. You can. However, you should not. Never. No way, Jose. 

One particular day many months ago, desperately in need of a second cup of wake-up juice, and not paying nearly enough attention to what I was doing, I did not replace the spent coffee pod in my Cuisinart. My friends, you do not want to experience Peet’s House Blend in that manner. 

Whereas that first cup provided a good, stiff jolt, the second expression provided a most unpleasant taste test. There was no second sip of that second cup. There was only a dumping down the drain of the dregs of dirt-flavored hot water. Normally a two cup a day guy, I may have required three or four that day simply to regain composure. 

I have never made that mistake again. Please, spare yourself. Do not make that mistake for yourself. 

The psalmist recalls in this verse a lesson he did not learn firsthand. He heard it declared in the assembly. We find the story in Exodus 17. 

Smart people learn from their mistakes. Wise people learn from the mistakes of others. 

Smart people learn from their own experiences. Wise people learn from the experience of others. 

Today you have learned never to re-use a spent coffee pod. 

Today you have heard again how nothing is impossible with God, “who turned the rock into a pool, the flint into a spring.” 

These two lessons will serve you well. One will prevent a revolting taste test. The other will remind you that when you find yourself between a rock and a hard place, God can bless you with exactly what you need precisely when you need it using bits of creation originally formed for other purposes. 

Who needs another cup?


I will learn my lessons through my own experiences and from the experiences of others.


Our Father, you can turn rock into water. You can turn water into wine. Is there anything too difficult for you? I will celebrate the truth that no, indeed not, there is nothing too difficult for you. Amen. 


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