Daily D – Psalm 119:130

by | Oct 29, 2020 | Daily D | 0 comments

The teaching of your word gives light, so even the simple can understand. PSALM 119:130 (NLT)


Break open your words, let the light shine out, let ordinary people see the meaning. 
The Message

Theological seminaries often host renowned scholars. I distinctly recall some wonderful speakers. They humbled me with the depth and breadth of their knowledge and insight. 

One night I was demonstrating my own depth and breadth of knowledge and insight at the little country church where I was a first-time full-time pastor. A dear lady who loved enough to tell me the truth said, “I don’t think you know what you’re talking about.” 

Ouch. And amen. 

Thirty years later, I am grateful for how she burst my bubble. That was not the only time she let me know I was getting a little too big for my theological britches. 

People may be impressed with the proud pontifications of a professor, but what they long for most is simple truth plainly spoken that can be personally applied to the delight of the individual and the Lord. 

The best professors do this. The best pastors do this. The best Bible study leaders do this. You and I can do this. Remember KISS: Keep It Simple Sweetie. 

Communicating words of truth and life is not about impressing people or baffling them. It is about “giving light, so even the simple can understand.” There are at least a couple of steps to this process.

First, make sure you understand the text, the context, the meaning, and its range of applications. Second, make sure you can make it understandable and applicable to a junior high boy who has never been to church.

Ordinary Joe’s and Joella’s can break open God’s words of truth and life and let the light shine out to help ordinary people see the meaning. Simple words of instruction in opportune moments can change lives and shape destinies, no sermon or advanced degree required. 

What Bible truths do you savor? What verses have you committed to memory? How can you communicate the truth that has spoken to your life in a manner that will speak to another? 

What is your favorite Bible verse? Would you ask God to give you an opportunity to share that with someone today? Simple truths simply spoken simply change things for the better.


I will keep my attempts at biblical instruction simple.


Our Father, empower me to simply communicate your words of truth and life. I do not want anyone to be impressed with me. I want them to know and experience you instead. I cannot change their lives. You can change everything for the better for now and forever. Make me a man who breaks open your word to let the light shine out so that ordinary people can see the meaning. Amen. 


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