Daily D – Psalm 121:5-6

by | Nov 9, 2020 | Daily D | 0 comments

The LORD himself watches over you! The LORD stands beside you as your protective shade. The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon at night. PSALM 121:5-6 (NLT)


He who “never slumbers or sleeps” (v. 4) watches over you. He protects you. He defends you. He guides you. He provides for you. He restores you. He receives you as an honored guest. He is better to you than you would be to yourself. (See Psalm 23.)

You are never out of his care. You are never out of his reach. You are never beyond hope or help. 

There is nothing you or I will ever face alone. God is with us. His plans and purposes are better than we can imagine, superior to anything we could manufacture for ourselves. 

This is a good Monday Morning Message. It is also good for the other six days of the week. Just in case you awoke this morning a little under the weather or feeling another ache or pain, it is good to be reminded that God loves us with an everlasting love. We are his children. He takes good care of us.

Having been reminded of this truth, what does this make possible? How does this affect your trajectory today? Where will you put your weight? How will you replace your worry? 

We can smile on Monday morning because “The LORD himself watches over” us.


I will step into this new day with confidence.


Our Father, thank you that we are never out of your care. You are with us. You are for us. You seek our highest and best. Thank you for watching over us. Make us fruitful and effective as we join you in your work today. Amen.


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