Daily D – Psalm 123:1-2

by | May 3, 2021 | Daily D | 0 comments

I lift my eyes to you, the one enthroned in heaven. Like a servant’s eyes on his master’s hand, like a servant girl’s eyes on her mistress’s hand, so our eyes are on the LORD our God until he shows us favor.
PSALM 123:1-2 (CSB)


I look up to you, heaven-dwelling God,
look up to you for help.
Like servants, alert to their master’s commands,
like a maiden attending her lady,
we’re watching and waiting, holding our breath,
awaiting your word of mercy.

(The Message)
My bride spelled out the word WALK yesterday afternoon. Ollie the Border Collie has apparently learned to spell. His ears went up and he was on full alert. He ran back and forth to the front door. When I went to put on my walking shoes, he was there gathering clues. You would think we beat the dog from the loud cries he makes when we open the closet door and retrieve the leashes. The anticipation drives him to the edge of insanity.

Ollie insists on leading the way. Our black dog Millie must remain a half-step or more behind him or he cries and pulls to catch up and to get back in front. He knows the way. He will get us there and back again without distraction or delay.

This dog knows my rhythms and routines as well as I do. He knows what is next even now. He is well-positioned for our trip downstairs for his breakfast. I pause at the bottom of the stairs to toss him a tennis ball before we complete the journey. He insists I have a bit of fun before we get down to business.

What if we were as attentive to God as Ollie is to me?

This is a song of ascents. It is one of the songs pilgrim groups from Israel’s tribes would sing on the way to Jerusalem for one of the festivals like Passover. All roads to Jerusalem were uphill for the final leg of the journey. Jerusalem was where the temple was. It was a visible reminder of the presence of God with his people. Looking up, men, women, and children could anticipate arriving in God’s immediate presence.

Notice the attentive nature described here. As servants and apprentices learn from observation and anticipate what is needed next, so we are to look up to God for signals for what to do next. God blesses those who follow his directions and who anticipate his response to the needs we see.

Today you will no doubt come up against an issue you are not sure how to handle. A simple prayer like, “Our Father, please show me the way,” is an invitation for God to step into the situation and to give you clear direction. He is more interested in speaking into our lives than we are in listening.

When you are stopped in your tracks and unsure what to do next, when you are faced with alternatives and you are not sure which path is superior, simply pray, “Help me, please.” Our Father in heaven loves hearing and answering prayers like that.

Ollie is letting me know it’s time to go downstairs now. Millie the black dog has arrived and concurs. How will you respond to the moves God is making in your life?


I will watch for what God is doing around me and respond in obedient anticipation.


Our Father, thank you that when I arrive at a place where I do not know what to do next that you will clearly guide me as I turn my attention to you. Empower me to see your hand at work ever more clearly. Attune my heart and align my actions with yours. I am looking up to you. Amen.


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