Daily D – Psalm 18:32

by | Jun 18, 2021 | Daily D | 0 comments

God—he clothes me with strength and makes my way perfect.
PSALM 18:32 (CSB)



Is this not the God who armed me,
then aimed me in the right direction?

(The Message)

A friend of mine took up running some years ago. She felt the need to pursue improved health and enhanced energy. She sent a note asking what running songs I had on my iPod. I dutifully explained that it is dangerous and distracting to listen to loud music while running. It prevents the full awareness a person needs on a jogging path or when crossing streets. 

Then I proceeded to give her the perfect playlist to energize her steps. This included the Doobie Brothers singing, It Keeps You Running; Jefferson Starship’s Runaway; Del Shannon’s Runaway; Against the Wind by Bob Seger; and Running on Empty by Jackson Browne. There are more, many, many more, where those came from. 

Perhaps the greatest runaway of all time was David Before He Was King, and even late in life on one particularly dreadful occasion. He knew all about life on the run. Several of his songs, including some of his best hits, were written on the run. 

Psalm 143 is a running song. Verse 3 says, “For the enemy has pursued me, crushing me to the ground, make me live in darkness like those long dead.” David felt like he had been run into his grave. This is an idea he expands in verse 7. 

David knew which paths to run. First, he ran away from his enemies, most notably his father-in-law King Saul. Second, he ran to God. Listen to verse 8:

Let me experience your faithful love in the morning, for I trust in you.
Reveal to me the way I should go because I appeal to you. 

The New International Version 1984 puts it this way:

Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.

I double-dog dare you to read through Psalms and not notice how many times the writers ask for God’s direction and thank him for his direction. If there is one thing most of us require on a daily basis, it is direction. Reading a psalm a day helps us know how to pray. This is especially true when we seek God’s direction.

On the Bible timeline, Psalm 143 occurred before Psalm 18. This is indicated by the text included before verse 18:1 in most translations. Check it out. This tells us that God heard and answered David’s prayer. He also hears and answers our prayers for direction.

Today’s verse is a powerful affirmation to hold in both our RAM and our ROM. Our Father in heaven clothes us with strength and lays out the perfect path for us. He prepares us for the way and sends us along the way always with his companionship and never alone. 

Which way are you going today? Go with God, or like Moses prayed, don’t Go at all (Exodus 33:15).


I will go with God.


Our Father, show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. Amen.


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