Daily D – Psalm 29:11

by | Jun 28, 2021 | Daily D | 0 comments

The LORD gives his people strength; the LORD blesses his people with peace.
PSALM 29:11 (CSB)



Monday has come again. There are times when it feels like Monday skips ahead of its place in line and arrives more frequently than it should. Rain is also in the forecast today. This brings to mind an old song of lament from Karen Carpenter.

For many people, this is the last week of productivity before they take off for the Fourth of July and vacation. Many people often get more done in a week like this than any other week of the year.

Two blessings from our Father in heaven could make this week not only productive but effective. King David tells us that God gives his people strength and peace.

There are different kinds of strength. Which one do you need more of today?

* Spiritual strength comes from abiding in Christ.
* Physical strength comes from adequate rest, proper nutrition, and regular exercise.
* Intellectual strength comes from disciplined learning.
* Relational strength comes from quality and quantity time enhanced by deep listening and powerful questions.
* Emotional strength comes from mastering emotions and controlling impulses.
* Financial strength comes from earning all you can, giving all you can, saving all you can, and making wise decisions about spending and investing.

Peace flows from learning to live from these strengths. The more we set our worlds in order according to God’s presence and direction, the more peaceful life becomes.

Come to think of it, this week could not only be the most productive and effective of the year so far, it could also become the pattern for every week hereafter. When King David said God gives us strength and peace, he did not indicate this is a one-time deal. This is an open offer we can redeem at any time. This should characterize our lives even on rainy days and Mondays.

This could be a really good day. This could be an exceptionally good week.


I will live with God’s strength and peace.


Our Father, strengthen us for all that is before us. Give us peace in the face of our challenges. Lead us through the obstacles before us. Bless us with the kind of success that honors you and serves others. Amen.


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