Daily D – Psalm 50:15

by | May 10, 2021 | Daily D | 0 comments

Call on me in a day of trouble; I will rescue you, and you will honor me.
PSALM 50:15 (CSB)


Did you know people have heart attacks on Monday more than any other day of the week? This might be a good day to remember this verse, to keep it handy. 

A buddy of mine called Saturday evening in urgent need of assistance. He is a pastor in deep East Texas, several hours away. He asked if I could stand in for him yesterday morning, Mother’s Day. He is experiencing serious health issues. 

I arose earlier than normal for a Sunday and headed that way. On the way home, I received some texts from him that his health issues were getting worse and that he was on the way to the emergency room. He was admitted to the intensive care unit and is awaiting a heart catheterization procedure. 

This is a day of trouble for my friend, his family, and all who know and love him. This is a good time for him and for us to call on God to ask for healing. 

What trouble are you having? How may we pray for you? 

Our Father in heaven tells us here to call on him. Our prayers are welcome and always receive his attention. He tells us that he will rescue us. Sometimes he rescues us from the problem, and sometimes he rescues us through the problem. Rescued people honor God and give him thanks (verse 14). 

These two verses help us know what to do today and every day since we always are coming out of a problem, in the middle of a problem, or entering a problem. 

Give God thanks if you recently have come out of a problem. Ask for God’s rescue if you are in a problem. Ask God for wisdom and direction if a problem looms before you. 

Know this: No matter what problem state you find yourself in today, God is with you. He will guide you and provide for you as you turn your heart to him. Call out to him in prayer. Tell him all that is on your heart and mind. Honor him by aligning your mind and attuning your heart with his. 

And don’t forget to pray for my friend. 


I will call on our Father in heaven in my day of trouble.


Our Father, thank you for joining us in our problems. Thank for delivering us from and through our troubles. Thank you that we are never alone in our days of trouble. Amen. 


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