Daily D – Psalm 63:8

by | Aug 2, 2021 | Daily D | 0 comments

I follow close to you; your right hand holds on to me.
PSALM 63:8 (CSB)


Today I will go to the office for the first time in a month. Not my upstairs office, but the one across the street from Southwestern Seminary. This means I will drive for thirty minutes, the longest duration since surgery. 

This week is full of big events and important meetings. There is no tip-toeing back into work. We are talking maximum expression of significant activity. I will probably work from home on Wednesday and Thursday. I am pretty sure I will require a nap or two after the days ahead of me today and tomorrow. 

Previewing the week last night, I immediately recognized that I require guidance, direction, and strength from our Father in heaven. Otherwise, I will limp into next weekend. Since we are celebrating Baby Girl’s birthday then, that simply will not do.

This leads me to this simple prayer of King David when he was on the run in the wilderness. This sentence prayer says and means so much. First, he says, “I follow close to you.” David wrote in Psalm 23:3, “he leads me along the right paths for his name’s sake.” When God leads, we always arrive where we need to be when we need to be there. 

Second, David says, “your right hand holds on to me.” This is one of those weeks I do not mind feeling like a little boy who needs a strong hand to keep me on the right path and out of unnecessary trouble. 

This is a good prayer for daily use. It is a good prayer in tight spots. It is a good prayer to pray when you don’t know what to say. 

Jesus’ first invitation to his disciples was, “Follow me.” When he rescued Peter from drowning after the water-walking misadventure, it was his strong right hand that lifted him up. 

Here is truth you and I can stand on today and this week. We can choose to follow God’s steps and hold on to the one who holds on to us.


I will follow God’s steps and hold onto his hand.


Our Father, I want to live in the grip of your grace. I want to follow your pathway through the adventures and activities of this week. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. Amen.


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