Daily D – Romans 8:15

by | Mar 26, 2020 | Daily D | 0 comments

For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear. Instead, you received the Spirit of adoption, by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father!” (CSB) ROM. 8:15


Years ago, a speaker at a retreat led several sessions on the topic, The Father Love of God. The speaker was my pastor at the time and he did a marvelous job. I was drawn into the topic with rapt attention. I wish I had taken good notes and could still find them. 

He spoke of the tenderness of the relationship of a father (or mother) and a child. He talked about the inherent trust of that relationship. He talked about becoming the go-to guy to resolve every problem. When his daughter’s balloon burst, she brought the pieces to her father with a simple request: “Daddy, fix it. 

Having returned last night from spending a few days with our three-month-old granddaughter brings these memories to the forefront of my mind. Is there anything more holy than holding your sleeping child? If so, it must be holding your sleeping grandchild. 

If you awaken my phone from slumber, you will be greeted by the most joyful baby face you have ever seen. Sitting in her grandmother’s lap, all coos and cuddles and smiles, she experienced the kind of joy which lights up a face and thereby lights up a world. Photographs and memories, tender moments of trust, joyful moments of carefree laughter. Such is the Father love of God. 

Romans 8 is a chapter full of the Father love of God. From v. 1, “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus,” to v. 39, “. . . nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord,” this is a love chapter to rival 1 Cor. 13. 

Who else but our Father in heaven could inspire the truth that “We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose” (v. 28)? How is it possible that even the hard moments of our lives become building blocks for greatness? God’s love is bigger than every burden we will ever bear. God’s love is more than enough for our every careless act, every rash expression, every indolent inactivity. 

Many a song has declared, “All we need is love.” Romans 8 and 1 Cor. 13 show us the kind of love our Father in heaven expresses to us and empowers in us. And when we receive it, how could we not pass it along? When we share it, how could it not bring carefree laughter and joy? 


I will experience and express the Father love of God.


Our Father, you have chosen to express your love to us. Your holy, healing, invigorating love renews and restores and reshapes our lives. You fix every problem. You give peace and safety. You delight over us with singing. You calm our fears. You soothe our hurts. You strengthen our spines. You express your love through us to others. This is glorious truth! This is life worth living! Hallelujah, amen!


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