Daily D – Genesis 43:23

by | Jan 15, 2024 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Genesis 43:23 
Then the steward said, “May you be well. Don’t be afraid. Your God and the God of your father must have put treasure in your bags. I received your silver.” Then he brought Simeon out to them. (CSB)

The steward said, “Everything’s in order. Don’t worry. Your God and the God of your father must have given you a bonus. I was paid in full.” And with that, he presented Simeon to them. (MSG)

Genesis 43:30 
Joseph hurried out because he was overcome with emotion for his brother, and he was about to weep. He went into an inner room and wept there. (CSB)

Deeply moved on seeing his brother and about to burst into tears, Joseph hurried out into another room and had a good cry. Then he washed his face, got a grip on himself, and said, “Let’s eat.” (vs. 30-31, MSG)

The movies always make it joyful and exciting when a person’s dreams come true. Reality is more sobering. 

What Little Joe looked forward to with such excitement as a teenager overwhelmed him when it happened a generation later. 

This Bible story is layered with grace upon grace. Grace revealed, and grace embraced is almost exclusively experienced through tears. Tears are a release of fears. Tears are bearers of hopes and dreams revealed as reality and truth. Tears wash away the burdens of yesterday.

Go to YouTube and search for the Larnelle Harris song, _In It After All_. 

What weighs down your heart today? Where do you feel like your God-given dreams are coming up short? If God gave those dreams, he will also give their fulfillment. Keep tissues at hand. Some good is so good even the steeliest heart will melt. 

I will prepare for the big reveal of God’s dreams for me by living in light of their truth today.

Our Father, fill my heart and mind with your dreams for me. What is your ultimate purpose for me? What are my best next steps? Lead me all the way to the tears, and one day, to the reality of tearless joy. Amen. 


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