Daily D – Isaiah 58:3-4

by | May 3, 2024 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Isaiah 58:3, 4  
“Why have we fasted, but you have not seen? 
We have denied ourselves, but you haven’t noticed!” 

“Look, you do as you please on the day of your fast, 
and oppress all your workers. 
You fast with contention and strife
to strike viciously with your fist. 
You cannot fast as you do today, 
hoping to make your voice heard on high.“ (CSB)

Fasting is not a magic bullet. It is not the fast track to getting what you want from God. It’s not even all that great of a weight-loss plan. Fasting teaches us to hunger and thirst for God. Fasting leads us to listen deeply for his voice and to follow closely his will and ways

Fasting is prone to becoming pretense. We substitute activity for interest, strategic-focused misery for true engagement. Fasting is not faith if nothing changes. Fasting is futile if we merely keep on doing what we’ve always done. 

Fasting is not a megaphone to God. Fasting is placing our complaints on mute so that we can hear God’s still, small voice. Fasting is not about God hearing us, but us hearing God. 

True fasting reminds us that God is our Provider.

True fasting leads us to feast on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. 

The question fasting answers is, “Do you hunger and thirst for more of God?”

More God, less second helpings, please.

I will seek to know and experience God and will remove anything that gets in the way of hearing his heart and mind and knowing his will and ways. 

Our Father, deliver me from the temptation of placing more of me on display when I deny myself the nourishment you provide. Deliver me from the temptation to manipulate you into doing my will my way. Deliver me from the temptation to impress others with my devotion. Teach me to listen to you carefully, to know you fully, and to obey you immediately. Amen. 


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