Daily D – Isaiah 9:6

by | Apr 20, 2024 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Isaiah 9:6 
For a child will be born for us, 
a son will be given to us, 
and the government will be on his shoulders. 
He will be named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, 
Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. (CSB)

Flip back a few pages and notice the state of affairs. All the leaders were one kind of bad or another. In the middle of their badness, and in the midst of their devilry, God was at work. 

Gloom and darkness are tools of the enemy to disturb us, discomfort us, and distract us from what God is working out on behalf of those he loves. 

What he plans for us is Wonderful, Mighty, Eternal, and Peaceful. 

(It might interest you to know that as I write these words, a major thunderstorm is going on just over the hill. Rain is falling. Thunder is rolling. Lightning is flashing, and poor Millie the Black Dog is looking for a safe place to hide. Having experienced the Great White Flash a bit more personally than I cared to, I am halfway tempted to join her in seeking more secure shelter.)

(We did, in fact, go downstairs to remove ourselves a wee bit more from the Great White Flash.) (Pay no attention to these parentheses which I read recently we shouldn’t use for this purpose anymore.)

Several people have noted that our two presidential candidates this year present us with the task of determining which is the lesser evil. This is not the first time, or the last, this kind of decision will present itself. It happened in Isaiah’s day. It happens in ours. So where should we look for hope?

Hear the Word of the LORD: The true Ruler of the Universe is Wonderful, Mighty, Eternal, and Peaceful. He exercises his full authority on behalf of those he loves. He wants everyone everywhere to experience his grace and goodness, his mercy and kindness. 

Putin and Xi, Biden and Trump, are destined to go down as footnotes of time. God rules from eternity past to eternity future. Bad leaders may do their worst; God will do his best. 

Let the thunder roll. Let the lightning flash. Let the politicians politick. Our Father in Heaven will reach out to everyone everywhere with his joyful and perfect love. He wants his highest and best to be known even by Putin and Xi, Biden and Trump, and you and me.

The rain is falling gently now. The thunder rolls in the distance. Millie’s heart rate has returned to normal. This is going to be a good day. It might even be Wonderful.

I will lean ever more fully into our Wonderful, Mighty, Eternal God’s Peaceful Kingdom.

Our Father, regardless of who’s in the president’s office or who’s in charge around the world, we look to you as our one and only supreme leader. You alone are perfectly Wonderful, truly Mighty, unendingly Eternal, and the provider of true and lasting Peace. Amen. 


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