Daily D – Proverbs 11:17

by | May 9, 2024 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Proverbs 11:17 A kind man benefits himself, but a cruel person brings ruin on himself. (CSB)

One of my favorite events each year is the Teacher of the Year Banquet. My bride is employed by a local school district, and we get to celebrate with others around the District and throughout the community those teachers who are admirable in the eyes of their peers and students. 

Each campus teacher of the year is introduced with a testimonial from one or more students. They tell what they like about the teacher in their own, often hilarious, words.

The number one characteristic these students named? What made these teachers exceptional? What set them apart? 


Kindness is something of an anomaly these days. 

anom·​a·​ly ə-ˈnä-mə-lē 
1: something different, abnormal, peculiar, or not easily classified: something anomalous
2: deviation from the common rule: IRREGULARITY

We see kindness here and there now and again. It is much less common than power. Somewhere along the way, we adults decided we could use our outside voices inside when people do not conform to our preferences. A friend likes to feel like he is large and in charge. When something rubs him the wrong way, he expresses his displeasure loudly and firmly. 

Powerful words loudly and firmly expressed work best in military situations. Gate attendants at airports seldom need such declarations. Loud and firm commands do not help missing planes arrive faster. 

Not one child last week indicated a teacher used Loud and Firm speech and actions thereby setting apart the teacher in his or her heart. No, the defining characteristic of outstanding teachers is kindness. 

Kindness works everywhere. It may not speed up the arrival of a missing jet, but it will make the wait more peaceful. In a stressed-out world, this is what is known as a gift. 

At the risk of appearing different, abnormal, peculiar, or irregular, try a little kindness today. 

I work with a woman whose goal is to make her every encounter with others the best part of their day. She is unfailingly kind. She could be Teacher of the Year. 

How about you? How will you upgrade your KQ today? (Kindness Quotient) 

I will bless myself by behaving with kindness.

Our Father, I want to do what the old song says and Try a Little Kindness. Since this is a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22, 23), my attempts will likely fall flat without you producing within me what is currently lacking. Grow me in this grace. Remove the unnecessary loud and firm remarks from my life. Replace them with words memorable less from how powerful they are but for how empowering they are. Amen. 


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