Daily D – Proverbs 29:25

by | Jul 22, 2023 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Proverbs 29:25 
Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the Lord means safety. (NLT)

The fear of human opinion disables; trusting in God protects you from that. (MSG)

Whose smile do you live for? 

Who do you want to please? 

Who do you want to make happy?

It’s Saturday. We recently returned from Hawaii with an indulgent treat called Kona coffee. Our second trip to the Hula Daddy Coffee Plantation provided us with a treat we will enjoy Saturday by Saturday until it is all gone. We freeze these precious beans and only use them on Saturdays and holidays. They are kind of like the good china, except I don’t think we have ever used the good china. 

I am working one-handed these days. My right arm, my dominant side, has little utility due to the recent surgery. Awakening at 6:30 this morning, which is coincidentally the time our dogs typically eat, I arose, fed them, and then prepared our Saturday Morning Elixir. A truly magical potion it is.

The new coffee grinder performed admirably, and quietly, thereby serving its two most important functions. First, it perfectly prepared the beans to receive their hot bath and second, to keep from awakening my slumbering soulmate. 

Everything was awesome until my robe, which I wear when I have the flu or have had surgery, caught on the doggie gate we use to keep the curious pups and their hair out of the kitchen. This dragged down the gate which hit the floor with a loud clatter. My bride, fearing the worst, came to check on me. I sent her back to bed.

I wanted to make her smile with her favorite coffee after she awoke without an alarm. Instead, I alarmed her and got her out of bed well before she had planned. She went back to bed, but so far this is a No Smile Saturday.

If we live a life God can smile on, we are abundantly blessed. When we honor him, we bless others. So again, 

* Whose smile do you live for? 
* Who do you want to please? 
* Who do you want to make happy?

Husbands, it’s good to make your wives happy. Everyone, it’s even better to live for God’s smile.

I will live for God’s smile.

Our Father, I want to live the kind of life you can bless. Your opinion matters most. Amen. 


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