Daily D – Psalm 121:1-2

by | May 1, 2023 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Psalm 121:1, 2  I look up to the mountains— does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth! (NLT)

The morning weather guy tweeted about today’s forecast, “Gorgeous may be an understatement.” Spring Fever may well hit its peak in the next few hours. Staying focused and productive could be a challenge. Where do days like this come from? They are gifts of God, Maker of Heaven and Earth.

Take a snapshot of this day and carry it in your heart through all your less pleasant days. Stephen Covey in his masterpiece The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People says we should carry our weather within us. This forecast is the kind of day you want to recall on your rainy days and Mondays.

Yesterday’s drive home took us past fields of wildflowers so lush and rich in color they were intoxicating. Steven Curtis Chapman sang Morning Has Broken on the worship playlist, the perfect accompaniment to the views of the drive.

Like the psalmist, look up. Look around. Capture all of God’s good through your senses. Store it away for a rainy day. Bundle some of it for overly hot days and much too cold days. Package it for those days when work feels way too much like work.

The sun is rising now. The birds are singing their praises and thanksgiving. It’s a good time to join them in morning song.

I will carry my weather within me.

Our Father, you are good all the time. You make all things beautiful. You give us opportunities to see the world through lenses of your abundant love. This transforms rainy days into springtime perfection. Empower us to carry within is the beauty and joy of days like this, days pointing toward that perfect day to come. Amen.


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