Daily D – Psalm 57:2

by | Feb 27, 2024 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Psalm 57:2  ”I call to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me.“ (CSB)

The moon arose last night in all its golden glory. The Snow Moon is the farthest away from Earth of any of the full moons this year due to the timing of its orbit. Even so, it puts on quite a show.

Even the most distant moon has a purpose. The smallest full moon of the year reflects God’s glory with beauty and wonder. 

Moons do not bear their own flame. They do not create their own light. Yet this small full moon, so rich in color, so elegant in its glide path across the sky, says more than its size can contain. “The heavens declare the glory of God,” (Psalm 19:1). 

God has a purpose for even the smallest moon. God has a purpose for you. Seek his path and his provision. Hide in him for protection. Call on him when others would trample you. God will send his faithful love and truth (verse 3). 

Pray with our emotional kindred of ages past in these words of David:

”God, be exalted above the heavens; let your glory be over the whole earth.“
(Verse 5)

David declares he will awaken the dawn with his song of praise (verses 7 and 8). Why does he sing? Why can we? Verse 10 says, 

”For your faithful love is as high as the heavens; your faithfulness reaches the clouds.“

The Snow Moon wanes. The sun arises with its increasing brightness and warmth. The whole earth is charmed and warmed by God’s gifts of light. 

David’s bottom line reminds us to enjoy the show and to remember the one who places all things where they belong to brighten all of heaven while accomplishing his purposes.

”God, be exalted above the heavens; let your glory be over the whole earth.“
(Verse 11)

I will awaken the dawn with my song of praise.

Our Father, for small moons and hot suns, we give you praise. You illuminate our nights and our days. You wrap us in your light and warm us with your love. Lead us into full expression of your purpose for our lives today. May we reflect your glory everywhere we go and in all we do. Amen. 


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