Daily D – Psalm 77:19-20

by | Mar 20, 2023 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Psalm 77:19, 20  Your road led through the sea, your pathway through the mighty waters— a pathway no one knew was there! You led your people along that road like a flock of sheep, with Moses and Aaron as their shepherds. (NLT)

Psalm 78:70-72  He chose his servant David, calling him from the sheep pens. He took David from tending the ewes and lambs and made him the shepherd of Jacob’s descendants— God’s own people, Israel. He cared for them with a true heart and led them with skillful hands. (NLT)

People without the self-discipline to govern themselves will be governed by others. Those who refuse to follow God’s leadership will look for gods to take his place. True leaders understand they shepherd God’s flock and do not fleece or butcher them for personal gain. 

Roles of leadership are attractive to certain people simply because they love being in charge. A woman sat at a dinner table of lukewarm acquaintances and began describing herself to others during introductions. She declared how she needed to be in charge of whatever company employed her. She, she said, was a leader.

The two drinks she had before she began speaking may have influenced her boldness. Another guest at the table asked her if she was a leader or if she simply had the kind of personality that tends to speak first and think later. The woman and her friend looked at one another and stopped talking. 

Leadership is more than having the first, or last, word. It is more than making decisions. It is more than being in charge. The best leaders understand how leadership is stewardship. Every leader manages another’s property. No matter if the leader is the Founder, CEO, or Fuhrer, every leader has a Leader to whom she or he is responsible.

Every true leader understands who is ultimately in charge and how it is someone other than herself or himself. 

How can we discern the difference between true leaders and those who simply enjoy bossing around other people? True leaders are humble. They understand their stewardship. They seek the highest good of others, not simply themselves.

Never were there better leaders than Moses and David. The Most Humble Man in the World, Moses (Numbers 12:3), and David the Shepherd Boy, the runt, the last, the least, were the kinds of leaders all of history admires. Their distinguishing trait was their dependence on God. 

Everyone leads someone, beginning with themselves. Lead yourself to God first thing every morning. Lead yourself into hearing and obeying whatever he says. Lead yourself into adjusting your life to his clear direction throughout your days and nights. Lead yourself into humble dependence on him before you attempt to lead anyone else anywhere. 

Instead of speaking first and thinking later, wake up, listen up, follow up, and rest up in conversation with our Father in Heaven, our Ultimate Leader. He has promised to show us the way to go, to give us the strength for the journey, and to provide the wisdom for whatever we face along the way. 

Hello, Monday, first day back at work after a week of vacation. Let me introduce you to who is in charge here, and it is not me. 

I will follow our Leader.

Our Father, show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. Give me ears to hear what you are saying to me throughout this day. Give me a willing and obedient heart to do whatever you say. You are in charge here, and I am not. Amen. 


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