48-Hour Life Plan

by | Oct 7, 2018 | Self-Leadership, YouLeadU | 0 comments

Remember when you were a kid and people asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

Now you’re an adult, and there are days you still wonder about that, right?

You don’t want anyone to tell you what to do, because, you know, there’s still a little kid running around inside shouting, “You’re not the boss of me!”

But it would be nice to have someone help you figure out the meaning of life, wouldn’t it? You know, someone who has been there, done that, and has helped others successfully navigate those passages.

That’s where life planning comes in.

Why Am I Here?

A skilled life plan coach can help you look back, look within, and look ahead to help you focus on what matters most now and in the years to come.

How amazing would life be if you knew your purpose was as fresh every day as God’s mercies are new? How much easier would it be to get out of bed if life were a daring adventure rather than a dull drudgery?

How wonderful would it be if you were leaning into a constant sense of destiny rather than wondering where it was all headed?

The heavy lifting of life planning can be accomplished in 48 hours. Two days could change the rest of your life. It could provide the clarity you have lacked and the focus you long for.

Imagine Living with Stunning Clarity

Imagine creating stunning clarity in knowing who you are and what you are called to do. Think about the benefits of applying that clarity to vocational decision-making and long-term life goals and aspirations.

Beyond the 48 hours, you meet with your coach every other week for 90 days to make sure you are developing the keystone habits you need and the lifestyle you want to enjoy.

You will learn to plan a quarter at a time rather than depending on the frailty of annual resolutions. You will block time two years in advance for vacations, personal retreats, and special occasions.

You will live the life God has dreamed for you since before time began (Eph. 2:10).

Is that worth the investment of 48 hours?

Of course, you could give in and let someone else be the boss of you. However, at your core you know that is not what God intended. A gospel-centered life plan will launch you into your special future, a future where you honor God and bless others.

Let’s schedule your 48-Hour Life Plan today. Here are your next steps:

  1. Call to schedule your two days. We will discuss your needs and hopes for this process.
  2. You will receive advance preparation instructions which include three online profiles and other assignments. You will need to schedule the time to complete these tasks. (Don’t worry, this will make our 48-Hour Life Plan fully productive.)
  3. We will begin at 8:30 AM each day. We will focus on your life plan until about 5:00 PM.
  4. We will schedule our 90-Day Launch meetings as part of the wrap-up on the second day. These Zoom videoconference meetings will last around an hour and a half.

Are you ready to begin living the life of God’s dreams for you?


(682) 233-4056


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Daily D – Psalm 49:20

Psalm 49:20
Mankind, with his assets
but without understanding,
is like the animals that perish.

Daily D – Psalm 46:10

Psalm 46:10
“Stop fighting, and know that I am God,
exalted among the nations, exalted on the earth.”

Daily D – Ezra 3:11-13

Ezra 3:11-13 They sang with praise and thanksgiving to the Lord: “For he is good; his faithful love to Israel endures forever.” Then all the people gave a great shout of praise to the Lord because the foundation of the Lord’s house had been laid. But many of the older priests, Levites, and family heads, who had seen the first temple, wept loudly when they saw the foundation of this temple, but many others shouted joyfully. The people could not distinguish the sound of the joyful shouting from that of the weeping, because the people were shouting so loudly. And the sound was heard far away.

Daily D – Ezekiel 43:1-5

Ezekiel 43:1-5 He led me to the gate, the one that faces east, and I saw the glory of the God of Israel coming from the east. His voice sounded like the roar of a huge torrent, and the earth shone with his glory. The vision I saw was like the one I had seen when he came to destroy the city, and like the ones I had seen by the Chebar Canal. I fell facedown. The glory of the Lord entered the temple by way of the gate that faced east. Then the Spirit lifted me up and brought me to the inner court, and the glory of the Lord filled the temple.

Daily D – Ezekiel 37:3

Ezekiel 37:3 Then he said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” I replied, “Lord God, only you know.”