Daily D – 1 Samuel 20:36

by | May 26, 2020 | Daily D | 0 comments

“Start running,” he told the boy, “so you can find the arrows as I shoot them.” So the boy ran, and Jonathan shot an arrow beyond him. 1 SAMUEL 20:36 (NLT)


It’s not paranoia if they really are out to get you. 

Saul was really out to get David. He wanted him dead. He wanted anyone dead, including his own son, who got in the way of his hunt for David. Jonathan’s prearranged signal with David let his dearest friend know it was time to run for his life. 

Consider all David left behind. His wife, the king’s daughter was left behind. His best friend who stood up to his father to defend David’s honor was left behind. The band of brothers he had led into battle so successfully on so many occasions was left behind. His family of origin was left behind. David ran headlong into an uncertain future with nothing but the clothes on his back and a promise from God. 

David had been anointed, set apart, as the next king. The current king, however, was unwilling to give up his office. God told David his future. David began running and continued running with the hope that beyond the running awaited a prize. He trusted God to save him, to protect him, and to provide for him. Some of his most famous poetry comes from this season. The dark night of David’s soul made the light of his words shine all the brighter. We take comfort today from the comfort David received in rehearsing God’s promise which was as rich and true as his nature and character. 

The seasons of life sometimes lead us to run, run, run, run away. There are some battles we cannot afford to stand and fight. There are some battles which are not ours to fight. 

How do we know when its time to stop running? Every case is different. However, God makes it clear when seasons change. 

When the end of the run arrives, there we begin to begin again. The new place we stand provides renewal and opportunity unreachable any other way. 

Each of us has our own race to run. We cannot run anyone else’s race. No one can run our race for us. 

Run with endurance the race marked out for you. Run and trust God’s strength greater than the weariness you will experience. Run and discover truths about yourself and about God you would never know otherwise. Run and know whatever you are running from is less by far than who you are running to. 


I will run the race marked for me.


Our Father, running simplifies and clarifies. Running focuses us. Running not only takes us away from something, it also leads us to something. Empower us to run for the prize set before us. Empower us to run with endurance. Empower us to win our individual races. Remind us we are running to you. Amen.


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