Daily D – Acts 17:33

by | Nov 26, 2022 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Acts 17:33  At that, Paul left the Council. (NIV)

Two great theologians help us understand these six simple words.

The Gambler, according to Kenny Rogers, said, “You gotta know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em; know when to walk away, and know when to run.”

Dirty Harry said, “A man’s got to know his limitations.”

Paul knew when to walk away. Paul knew the limitations of the people in the theater.

After doing what I do for forty years or so and observing others who do what I do, I have formed the firm opinion that some of my brethren and I could learn a thing or two from Paul at this point. 

Read Acts 17:16-34. 

Paul started where his new acquaintances stood (verses 16-18). Those who inclined their ears to him invited him to say more and enlarged the circle of listeners (verses 19-21). Paul found common ground and took his stand there (verses 22 and 23). He then began cutting in from the edges of the canvas as he painted a picture they had not seen until then (verses 24-31). Upon this first hearing about Jesus, some sneered. Others were intrigued. Further discussion was scheduled. Paul walked away. 

It is at this point where many of my Baptist Brethren would have shouted all the louder and demanded a decision. Paul walked away. Some followed. 

Respect begets respect. Hearing invites listening. Truth spoken in love wins hearts and minds. 

I will respectfully speak the truth in love.

Our Father, your gentleness and kindness win more hearts and minds than my loud commands ever will. Reshape my communication skills so that when I walk away, people want to hear and know more of your goodness and grace. Amen. 


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