Daily D – Acts 28:14

by | Dec 14, 2022 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Acts 28:14  And so we came to Rome. (NIV)

The end of an expedition to a particular location marks the beginning of first-time adventures. When was the last time you journeyed someplace new? What surprises awaited you there? What’s next? Whose lives will change because you are there?

What’s on your bucket list of places to go and things to do?

Today, I journey home from Round Rock. The last couple of days have been filled with meaningful discussion and thoughtful reflection. Decisions were made and planning began for the next event of a similar nature. 

Today’s travel is less than three hours in duration. There will not be quite enough time to finish listening to St. Bonaventure’s masterpiece on the life of St. Francis. Maybe a couple of trips here and there as Christmas draws closer will provide the necessary space to complete that particular journey of the mind. 

Today, I get to see my wife, the dogs, and my coworkers, although not in this order. Ollie will have a tennis ball and will lead me to the stairs so that we can play Upball. He knows I have not been able to play ball for days and need a quick game followed by a longer game. 

Tonight, I will sleep in my own bed with my own pillow. No doubt I will rest more deeply than in this hotel by the freeway. 

Four of us enjoyed a grand adventure in Italy just over a year ago. The train ride from Pisa to Rome was quick and enjoyable. The memory includes a boy who said the same thing over and over again for a very long time. Getting to our hotel was not as simple as the directions on their website indicated. 

History came alive as we walked those streets. We had a guide who was especially knowledgeable and enriched our first daylong adventure. The meals were heavenly. The taxis were a new brand of excitement. 

What’s on your agenda today? What is your next big adventure? 

A friend is making her way home from accompanying her aging father to Antarctica. They arrived back in Argentina at the same time as people were scrambling to get home to watch their national team play in the World Cup. Her day was filled with a whole lotta yelling. Fortunately for her, Argentina won. 

May your day find its fill of fun adventure, deep thinking, forward motion, and dreams in the process of coming true. 

May you invest your life deeply into the lives of others who could use a little more adventure, a lot less boredom, and much more love of a kind that shapes destinies and eternities

I will enjoy today’s adventure.

Our Father, an old hymn says every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before. May this day be full of sweetness and light, adventure and accomplishment. May this day overflow with conscious awareness of your immediate presence and purpose. May our every step find us following you, walking beside you, and before you on the expedition of your choosing for our enrichment. Amen. 


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