Daily D – Genesis 30:22

by | Jan 10, 2023 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Genesis 30:22  Then God remembered Rachel’s plight and answered her prayers by enabling her to have children. (NLT)

If God said “Yes” to you in fulfillment of what you most seek from him today, what would that make possible? 

God remembered Noah (8:1).

God remembered Rachel (30:22).

God remembered Hannah (1 Samuel 1:19, 20). 

God remembered (Insert your name here). What changes? What difference would it make for God to turn his full attention to you and your prayer request? What difference would it make if he lovingly cared for you today the way he did Noah, Rachel, and Hannah?

What will you ask that honors God and serves others? How will God be able to bless you so that you are a blessing to others?

This is a good time to turn to John 15. Read verses 1-17. Take careful note of verses 7 and 16. Jesus teaches us important lessons regarding prayer. He says to remain in a deep and abiding relationship with him. When we learn his heart and seek what he most desires for us and others, we can ask for anything we want and it will be granted. 

Lesson One in prayer is to want what God wants (verse 7). Psalm 37:3-6 says the same thing. This passage tells us to

* Trust God
* Do good
* Take delight in God
* Commit everything you do to God
* Trust God

Then he will hear and answer your prayers.

Lesson Two in prayer is to live a fruitful and effective life (verse 16). God chooses us to produce fruit that lasts. When we seek to live fruitful and effective lives that honor God and bless others, his answer is Yes. 

Motives matter in prayer. 

Why do you pray? How do you pray? Can you learn to pray the King David and Jesus way?

You have God’s full attention. What do you want to say?

I will ask God for what honors him and serves others so that he can use me to bless his world.

Our Father, whatever you want is what I want, too. I trust you. Everything you do is good. I want to get in on your goodness. I want to overflow with your grace, mercy, gentleness, and kindness. Direct me in all I do today. Make me fruitful and effective. Amen. 


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