Daily D – Genesis 37:11

by | Jan 12, 2023 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Genesis 37:11  But while his brothers were jealous of Joseph, his father wondered what the dreams meant. (NLT)

Dreamers come in two styles: Unlimited and Unreal. Unreal dreamers traffic in self-centered fantasies. Unlimited dreamers hear and follow the voice of God. Where do your dreams originate?

Joseph’s story found in Genesis 37-50, we see dreams initiated, dreams stripped of all temptation toward fantasy, and dreams fulfilled to the benefit of entire nations. 

Somewhere along the way, someone has offered you wise counsel saying, “Don’t fall in love with a dreamer.” Kenny Rogers and Kim Carnes even sang a hit song by that title the year I graduated from high school. 

How could we not, however, love Joseph? God’s dreams for him were better than anything he could have fantasized. They accomplished more than he could have planned. They blessed even those who wanted him dead. 

Dare to dream. Invite God to shape your dreams and turn those dreams into reality. Guard against self-centered fantasies. Remember the Abraham Rule when it comes to distinguishing between God Dreams and selfish fantasies: God blesses us to bless others. God Dreams are as big as the whole world. Fantasies are as small as the period representing my life on the scroll of all humanity across the ages when all I cared about was me. 

What dream has God placed in your heart and mind? What does he want to do through you to build a better world? How will he use you to save many lives? How will he empower you to overcome every obstacle?

I will live a life shaped by God’s dreams for me.

Our Father, fill my mind with your wonders. Take this life and express yourself in such a manner that souls are saved, lives are changed, everyone is benefited, and only you are remembered. Amen. 


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