Daily D – John 10:37-38

by | Oct 19, 2021 | Daily D | 0 comments

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“If I am not doing my Father’s works, don’t believe me. But if I am doing them and you don’t believe me, believe the works. This way you will know and understand that the Father is in me and I in the Father.”
JOHN 10:37-38 (CSB)


Derwin Gray preached at Northwood Church in Keller last Sunday. Dr. Gray grew up in difficult circumstances on the west side of San Antonio. He played college football at Brigham Young University and professionally for the Indianapolis Colts and Carolina Panthers. He is the founding pastor of Transformation Church just outside of Charlotte, North Carolina. 

Derwin noted in his message how the religious people of Jesus’ day were so religious that they missed who Jesus is. We can see this in the verses above. Those particular religious folks who had risen to places of significance and prominence were not about to accept Jesus for who he was because he did not do things their way. 

It can sound simplistic rather than simple, but Jesus wants a real relationship with men, women, boys, and girls. You get the idea that Jesus is more interested in simple faith rather than complex rituals and routines and ecclesiastical hierarchies. 

A couple of days ago, some people I follow on social media were engaged in robust debates using words requiring dictionaries to define to prove their brand of Christianity is intellectually superior. It also led them to conclusions completely out of step with what God has said and what Jesus did. Eschewing one theological error, they chose another more sophisticated error.

Listen well again to what Derwin said. Do not allow yourself to become so religious that you miss the relationship our Father in heaven offers through Jesus his Son. 

First things first: Get to know Jesus. Know Jesus. 


I will know Jesus and make him known.


Our Father, open our eyes that we may see you for who you are. Forgive us for focusing on anything that distracts from your wonder, beauty, and limitless love. Amen.


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