Daily D – John 11:53

by | Oct 28, 2021 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

So from that day on they plotted to kill him.
JOHN 11:53 (CSB)


Seeing is not necessarily believing. 

Seeing is not necessarily understanding. 

Seeing is not necessarily appreciating.

John has provided seven signs in his Gospel account to help us see Jesus for who he is. Before this book is complete, he will also provide seven I Am sayings as well. We see one of them here in verse 25 when Jesus says, “I am the resurrection and the life.”

One of the cardinal truths of human existence is that people act in their own best interest. Jesus’ seven sayings and seven signs in this Gospel should have led to everyone coming to him, especially those who supervised the spiritual affairs of the Jewish people. Instead of seeing Jesus as the fulfillment of a promise, however, they saw him as a threat.

“So from that day on they plotted to kill him.”

This is not logical. Jesus raised a man from the dead a few minutes ago. This is not good theology. When Jesus did what only God can do, again and again and again, it should have stimulated the kind of theological reflection that led to a reframing of their worldview.

Instead, they wanted to kill the man who said, “I am the resurrection and the life.” How do you kill a man who is the very source of life? How do you make him stay dead?

Crucifixion was a sure and final death. A large, heavy stone sealed and guarded by soldiers would provide a secure burial. But kill the Creator? Kill God in the flesh? Expect him to stay dead when he raised others to life? 

This did not make sense before the crucifixion. It did not make sense after the resurrection. It does not make sense today.

John’s Gospel continually, repeatedly, on every page helps us see Jesus for who he is. See him, know him, receive him. It is in our best interest not to try to kill and bury Jesus. It is in our best interest to enter into joyful fellowship with Jesus who came to us to give us life that endures beyond the grave and abundantly overflows with his grace and goodness now and forever. 

See Jesus and believe.

See Jesus and understand how much God loves you.

See Jesus and appreciate that the greatest of all stories includes you.


I will see Jesus for who he is and through him see all things as they are.


Our Father, please deliver me from willful blindness. Deliver me from misunderstanding you and your purpose in this world. Deliver me from a failure to appreciate your gift of life abundant and eternal. Lead me into all of your goodness and grace. May my life overflow with it so that others too may see you and believe. Amen. 


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