Daily D – John 2:9-10

by | Sep 1, 2021 | Daily D | 0 comments

When the headwaiter tasted the water (after it had become wine), he did not know where it came from—though the servants who had drawn the water knew. He called the groom and told him, “Everyone sets out the fine wine first, then, after people are drunk, the inferior. But you have kept the fine wine until now.”
JOHN 2:9-10 (CSB)


Let’s recap: Jesus’ mother Mary came to him with a simple statement of fact: “They don’t have any wine.” Jesus replied in part, “My hour has not yet come.” Mary looked at the servants and said, “Do whatever he tells you.” 

This is the best advice ever. Do whatever Jesus tells you to do. 

Jesus gave simple instructions: “Fill the jars with water,” and “Now draw some out and take it to the headwaiter.”


  • The headwaiter was amazed. 
  • The whole wedding party was blessed. 
  • Jesus’ disciples began to see his glory and to believe in him.

We also might note that Mary’s long years of knowing who Jesus is and why he came began at last to be shared with others who would see him for who he was, who he is, and who he always will be. As John wrote in 1:1-3,

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
He was with God in the beginning. 
All things were created through him, and apart from him not one thing was created that has been created.

John gives us interpretive lenses through which to view the actions of Jesus and interpretive ears through which to hear the words of Jesus. He who created water and grapes along with providing the wisdom necessary for making jars from clay, delighted in joining community celebrations of significant life events. It was there where he turned water into wine and blessed an otherwise ordinary wedding. 

Matthew directed us back to the prophecy of Isaiah 7:14: “‘and they will name him Immanuel,’ which is translated “God is with us,” (Matthew 1:23). John put it this way:

The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
We observed his glory, the glory as the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. 
(John 1:14)
This miracle in an ordinary place at an ordinary celebration among ordinary people communicates extraordinary truths. 
  • God is with us.
  • God meets our needs and solves our problems.
  • God delights in blessing us with good things.
  • God wants us to see him for who he is.
  • God wants us to know him in deep and abiding relationship.
  • God wants us to have the confidence of Mary and the joy of the wedding party.

When we see Jesus through the lenses of John’s Gospel, how could we not want to know him, to experience him, to trust him, and to abide with him now and always? We can share Mary’s satisfaction as we do. 

  • Know the words of Jesus.
  • Know the ways of Jesus.
  • Know the transforming reality of grace and truth (John 1:16). 

Mary shows us how to get started and how to continue: “Do whatever he tells you.”

What is Jesus saying to you today?

What are you going to do about it?


I will see Jesus for who he is and do whatever he tells me.


Our Father, you know us by name. You love us as we are. You love us too much to leave us as we are. You shape our lives into masterpieces of your own creation. Empower us to hear your instructions clearly today and to do what you tell us. How may we honor you and serve others in the hours before us? Amen. 


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