Daily D – John 3:34

by | Oct 6, 2022 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

John 3:34  For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives the Spirit without limit. (NIV)

We are as filled with the Holy Spirit as we want to be. 

Yesterday we pondered this question: “How would your life differ if you were filled and empowered by the Holy Spirit?”

The day before, we considered this idea: “Morning people give themselves advantages over those who linger longer in slumber. They can think without interruption. They can more clearly hear the voice of God. They can pray without distraction. They can move into their days with focus.”

Suppose you moved into this day having heard from God, prayed without distraction, and focused on the most important tasks of the day. What if you took Mary’s advice found in John 2:5: “Do whatever he tells you”? 

What if you asked our Father in heaven to fill you with his Holy Spirit, to empower you for whatever lies ahead, and to direct you in the way you should go? Do you think God is interested in answering this prayer? This is a Pass/Fail question. This is the kind of prayer God loves to answer with a heaven-resounding, “Yes!”

A heaven-resounding Yes leads to earth-shaking results. 

– Who wants to shake things up a bit? 
– Who wants to build a better world?
– Who wants to live life in full adventure mode today?

Remember James 1:5: “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” 

Filled, empowered, and directed lives overflow with God’s knowledge, wisdom, and guidance. Help me understand what drawbacks you might see. 

This is no day for tipping toes in the pool to see how cold the water is. This is a day for cannonballs into glory. This is how we pray when we want to maximize our story.

I will ask God our Father to fill me to overflowing with his Holy Spirit.

Our Father, please fill me full to overflowing with your Holy Spirit. Empower me for all that is before me. I yield the controls to my life to you. Direct my steps. Shape my thoughts. Place your words in my mouth. Use me in whatever manner you see fit to build a better world. Amen. 


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