Daily D – Luke 12:13-14

by | Oct 26, 2022 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Luke 12:13, 14  Someone in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” Jesus replied, “Man, who appointed me a judge or an arbiter between you?” (NIV)

Jesus is not Judge Judy. Neither is he The Texas Hammer promising you to get you your fair share. He is also not a politician seeking your vote so that he can have power to spend your money on his pet projects. Hallelujah!

If you only want Jesus to the degree he agrees with you and solves your problems, you are doing it wrong. Jesus did not come to be The People’s Court or to arbitrate or mediate. He came to save your soul from hell and to give you a life better than you dreamed possible. 

Why would you settle for Trivial Pursuit answers when you can know and experience our Savior who bore your penalty (and mine) on the cross so that we could live with him forever? 

Why would you ask Jesus to beat up your adversary when he loves your adversary as much as he loves you? He has better plans for both of you than either of you has considered.

Now that I’ve gotten that off my chest, I realize how often I myself have sought personal favors from Jesus instead of seeking his highest and best for everyone everywhere. Far too often, I have sounded like that ‘80s pop song, Personal Jesus. Jesus loves me, this is true. Jesus also loves you and you and you. 

Jesus loves me too much to allow me to think everything always is all about me. 

It is a good mental health habit to write the last sentence fifty times in your own handwriting. Pardon me while I sharpen my pencil.

I will stop asking Jesus to solve my trivial problems so that I can see him for who he is and what he wants not only for me but for the whole wide world.

Our Father, please forgive me for attempting to turn your kingdom into an opportunity for me to get all I want. Shift my perspective so that I see more and more of what you see. Shift my passions so that I want more and more of what you want. Lead me into the kinds of activities that build a better world for everyone everywhere and not merely for me, myself, and mine. Amen. 


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