Daily D – Luke 2:16

by | Dec 25, 2022 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Luke 2:16  So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. (NIV)

A week on the road from Nazareth to Bethlehem with a wife who was great with child had to have been exhausting. Labor and delivery followed soon afterward. Shepherds appeared out of nowhere with a story about a midnight angel choir that appeared, again, out of nowhere. 

As Mary cuddled baby Jesus, and as they all eventually drifted off to sleep, what do you think went through Joseph’s mind? He who measured twice before cutting once, he who knew how to make every stone fit whether laying a foundation or building a fireplace, he who was precise in every detail, knew at that moment it was not his expertise engineering all of these episodes of wonder and awe.

He who was comfortable being in charge, in taking care of beasts of burden, forests, and quarries, knew he was most definitely not in charge. 

He who was comfortable holding his tongue and allowing his kindness, gentleness, and concern for others to direct his actions knew he required God’s clear direction, protection, and provision. His dependence was rewarded with God’s special reminders that he was not only in charge, but he was also actively involved. 

Lying down tonight will take me through memories of an early morning, special messages from family and friends, worship with a large group of believers, a delicious brunch, presents opened, another meal, games played, and laughter upon laughter.

It is in these hours after the hubbub of Christmas when Christmas is most meaningful. Jesus arrived, and his arrival was special, beautiful, and world-changing. Now we may lay ourselves down to sleep. When we belong to Jesus, we know our souls he does keep.

I will rest in peace.

Our Father, thank you for a glorious day. There was worship that exalted you. There was the nearness and laughter of family and friends. There was good food and plenty of it. There was comfort and joy. Our newest granddaughter’s smiles and chuckles make us think about all the delights Joseph and Mary shared as they watched Jesus grow. Amen. 


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