Daily D – Luke 2:40

by | Dec 29, 2022 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Luke 2:40  And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him. (NIV)

Luke 2:51, 52  Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart. And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. (NIV)

A year ago, you pondered the you you would be today. What is your progress report? Celebrate wins. Calibrate plans for what to do differently where you fell short. Prepare next year’s status report today by deciding on the habits you will create to become the you you want to be. 

Resolutions seldom survive the first six weeks of the New Year. Habits well considered and diligently performed carry us farther faster. Create habit trackers to help you stay focused. This can be as simple as a paper calendar where you write an X through the dates where you succeed and a O on the dates where you come up short. 

Consider these different areas of your life:


What habits do you need to create in each area? Keep it simple, but not simplistic. For example, a Simplistic goal says, “I will do 25 pushups every day.” Today you may be limited to five pushups at best. It doesn’t take long to give up because you can’t reach your daily goal all at once.

A Simple goal says, “I will do twenty-five pushups a day beginning with five pushups five times a day.” Create a schedule with reminders on your phone at 7 AM, 10 AM, 1 PM, 4 PM, and 7 PM. 

Maybe you want to root out a bad habit. The Simple way to do this is to create a better habit. What’s your worst habit? What will you replace it with? Write down your Simple plan and schedule. 

For example, “I will not participate in gossip.” 
Action Plan:
* I will walk away when gossip comes my way.
* When others gossip, I will pray. 

The most important habit we can create is time alone with God daily. 
* When will you meet with God day by day?
* Where will you meet with him?
* What Bible reading plan will you choose?
* How will you apply what you hear God saying to you?
* How will you respond to him in prayer?

Create a growth plan to become you you want to be this time next year. 
* What wins do you want to celebrate a year from today? 
* Who can help you get where you want to go, to be who you want to be? 

There are two status reports about Jesus’ growth and development in Luke 2. How often do you need to evaluate your progress toward your goals? Consider a weekly update as you reflect on the week just passed and as you prepare for the week ahead. 
* How many days did you succeed? 
* What is your success plan for the week ahead?

Consider a similar check-in monthly and quarterly. 
* What is going well? 
* What is going wrong? 
* What is confusing? 
* What is missing? 

Make necessary adjustments so that you stay on track to become the you you want to be. 

One last thing, what Bible verses give you strength and direction? Joshua 1:9 and John 3:30, among others, help me stay on track. Add a verse to each goal and use it to shape your daily prayers.

I will become the me God wants me to be by intentionally and diligently creating habits that honor him and strengthen me.

Our Father, empower us to make forward progress. What are the good, life-giving habits we need to develop? What are the bad habits we need to replace? Who can help us keep the promises we are making to you and to ourselves? Amen. 


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