Daily D – Luke 2:40, 52

by | Oct 3, 2022 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Luke 2:40  And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him. (NIV)

Luke 2:52  And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. (NIV)

If you received a progress report today like you did when you were in school, what would it say? From God’s perspective, where would it say, “Needs improvement?”

We get two progress reports for Jesus in Luke 2. They are remarkably similar. They state Jesus was making good progress, better than average as it appears. Verse 40 tells us he “grew and became strong.” This is normal and natural. 

Our granddaughter recently had her progress assessed. She is ahead of the curve in some areas, behind in others. Since she is a few days short of two months old, she will have many, many other progress reports along the way. 

Verse 40 also tells us, “he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him.” Children learn early on how to ask questions. Then they ask all the questions they can until people tell them to stop asking so many questions. Wise parents and teachers help these curiosity machines how to find answers to their own questions. We see this in action in verses 41-50. 

Jesus had questions, and answers, the most educated professors found intriguing (verse 47). His next progress report noted Jesus’ maturing application of the wisdom and grace verse 40 tells us was on him. Verse 52 says, “Jesus grew in wisdom and stature.” As he grew taller, he also grew wiser. The results included growing “in favor with God and man.”

People found it hard not to like what they saw in Jesus. He was healthy and strong. He was wise. He honored God and blessed others. 

Those were his first progress reports. There were others, many others. It turns out, his progress reports were always good, at least in the eyes of God. 

Without unnecessary guilt or feelings of shame, in all honesty, how do you assess yourself today? What do you think God might say about your self-assessment? 

Before you answer, please understand God’s educational plan takes you just as you are and moves you where you need to be. Just as you can be is how he will lead. The best possible outcomes are in his hands. He is a perfectly patient instructor. He provides all you need to accomplish all that is before you. 

Today is a good day to make good progress. Let us begin.

I will follow God’s plan for growth in wisdom and health, in favor with people and with God.

Our Father, take me where I am and lead me where I need to go. Grow me in your grace in every area of my life. Empower me to live with wisdom and grace. Give me ever-better questions. Strengthen me to serve others. Amen. 


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